Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Man I got a big headach for days now. It does not want to go away. It loves me and wants to stay with me. LOL I go get my Ultra sound tomorrow. I am scared. I hope my hubby takes me. SOme times he is a BUTT and sometimes he can be sweet. This is a time I hope he is SWEET! I hate driving downtown. Plus I can't take Ana to school until after 8am. Thats what time my appointment is. SO she have to go to school late tomorrow. Yesterday there was no SChool. We ran the roads together. Had a good old time. I let her pick a place to eat out. And she picked Ci-Ci's pizza buffet. We was the first ones there as they open. It was nasty. I hardly ate. I love pizza! But not this place. Every time I went up there, there was no pizza there. So if there was good pizza I did not get any. It is time to go get Ana from school. What fun!

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

Hope your headache goes away soon.
Update me after your appt. tomorrow, ill be keeping you in my prayers