Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Isabella 4 months.......

Isabella had her 4 months check up yesterday. She got he 4 shots. She weighs 15 pounds and 4 oz. She is also 25 long. She is growing. The doctor gave her ok to feed baby food. Which I told her I already did. She said that was fine. SO thats good. Not much going on here. Been kind of boring. Isabella has been fussing a little. She has been good all day until Michael comes home and it is time to eat. Here I am trying to eat while holding her, I think I got more on the floor or my gown then I did in my mouth. LOL AMerican Idol started last nite. I am so glad. There has been nothing on T.V. at nite. SO now I have something to watch. YAY! Well, I best go. Isabella is whinning in her bouncey chair. Maybe I need to give her a little more bounce. LOL

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