Tuesday, August 22, 2006

its been a long time!!!!

I have been sick and busy these past few months. I will be so happy when it is finally over. Just a few more weeks I got. They are going to induce me. I told him the sooner the better for me. I am getting a Baby shower from my friend and her mom. I can't wait. I never had one before. I got to get my baby bed together and get her a car seat too. We are going to do that the first week in September. I am hoping that I will have the baby the 15th of Sept. If I can have her sooner that is fine too. LOL But I think that week of Sept. 11 is the soonest I can have her at 37 weeks. I am getting nervous the sooner it gets here. I go tomorrow for another Ultra sound. Hope to see how big the baby is. They are inducing me cause I have big babies. So at least I know when I will have her and not worry to go in labor at any time. Well, I am getting off of here and getting ready to watch Big Brother my fav. show. Well, at least it was when Howie and Kaysar was still there. I still got Janelle and hope she makes it to the end. Have a good day!

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

awwwwww angel wangel gonna have her baby soon!!!!!
im glad shes doing well!
hugs and love