Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A week later....

It is Tuesday and it has been a week since I wrote in here. MY BAD! lol Well, you see I live a boring ol' life. I went to one of my friend house to take some picture of some stuff she is selling. I love her house. It makes me want a new house of my own. I am so ready to leave this dump. Me and Michael made a deal tonite. Save money for we can move. If we can save $50 a week and not eat out like we have been. It will work! Starting Nov. 1st we are gonna do that and I am going to start my diet. And I am going to clean this house out of junk! I can't take all this stuff with us when we move. SO I am going to get it out of here. Freecycle it! Yep. I am so determine now. Lets DO IT!!!!!

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I am so happy to hear you are gonna save for a house, you have to come live by me so I won't be lonely no more. I will say many prayers for you me lovey!!!!!!!
If you need any help just call me!
In the garage, just take it one box at a time. Get out a box go through it and then sell it or freecycle it.