Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Well, what a day... I think I been depress today. I don't know why. Maybe of my tooth. I don't have insurance. That could be it. Who knows. I get depress over silly things. I got no life. I don't work and toooo depress to start. I wish I was able to get out of the house to do some fun stuff. I just want to stay in and be depress even more. I get nervous going places on my own. Its sounds silly but true. Then I get mad at myself for being that away. My hubby don't understand why i am this away. He says he lives his life vida loco. i don't want a crazy life. I just want a plain ol' normal one. A HAPPY ONE! I think of dyeing or being in a bad accident. I worry about my 9 year old what will happen to her? Where will she go? She is very close too me and I am of her too. We have a special bond for each other. She can't spen the nite at to many places, 'cause she can't be away from me. She had troubles going to school, because she didn't want to be a way from me. I love her too much. It is about time for me to go get her at school.I better go........

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