Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Worst day!

Oh What a day. I am writing in black 'cause thats how I feel. Where do I start? I took Ana to school this morning and could not decide to go to Rite Aid to get my 6 pack of Diet Pepsi's. Well I said to myself go ahead and just go. If I no go I just go home and sit there and eat. Well I was on my way. I was driving down the street, when I heard a siren and I was looking to see where it was coming from. I finally seen it. So I stopped to let it pass. After it was gone I turned on to another street when I heard again another siren. I look behind me I seen a cop. SO I thought it want to pass me so i get over. Darn if the freakin' cop was gonna give me a ticket. He said I was speeding in a school Zone. Well school had already started and it was past time. So Whats the problem? Why he gave me a ticket? That sucks big time. It is not payable. I have to go to court. I get so freakin' nervous when I go down town anyway. I have to go in Oct. and I am already nervous thinking about it. Well, I never made it to get my 6 pack of Diet Pepsi's. I was so upset and turned around and went back home crying. Will I ever get out again? I hate myself for going now. I almost did not go! Why did I? I could have prevent it(the ticket). Why me? Why me? :'''''((((


A Flowered Purse said...

Aw angel i am so sorry :(
Cops are never around when you need them, but if you don't need them they are at every turn.
Keeping you in my prayers and I Hope they go easy on you.

Melzie said...

I'm sorry, I hate ticket writing happy cops :( I hope you do ok going to court. ((hugs)) melzie