Friday, April 28, 2006


It is the end of the week. Yay! Rest time! Not for us. Realtor is coming tomorrow at 12. So we have to work our butts of like a crazy person. I'll have to explain to her about my yard from the other day. I hope she wont take any pictures. I just tell her to wait until I get that clean up. We are going to lay that outdoor carpet on the porch, spray paint the iron things out there. Work on the flower bed on the side. I almost got the weeds up. It is a big one. I have to go get more greenery to plant over there. I sure hope this house sells fast! I hate to sell it. I should rent it out. But these neighbors are going to kill someone and I cant put someone else life in harm that I rent too. Specially if they have kids. They still have not fixed my yard up or the person who did it or her hubby has not even said sorry to us yet. What jerk-offs they are. I wish to hurt her bad! But could not. I am an Angel remember this. LOL I guess in some ways I am. I not feeling to good today. Don't know why? I took 2 naps today. I must have been wore out. I do not know how when I have not did nothing. I just started to do a little now before I got on the computer. But why do anything when you have someone come behind you and mess it up. I don't understand that at all! I got Ana trying to clean her room. We got so much stuff it is not funny! I need to get rid of it all! Forget about it and give it to DAV or someone else. I got them coming May 12. I hope to get rid of a lot of stuff then. I best get a moving and find some stuff we do not need! Hope all has a good weekend! I will be here working my butt off.

1 comment:

Melzie said...

I am sorry about your grandma :( ((hugs)) to you. I am also sorry about your tree and nutty neighbors! We have nutty neighbors too, they are frauds, they claimed to be hurricane victims! @@ I hope you sell soon. Do you know if the baby is a boy or girl yet? xoxo from melzie, Dianna's missouri friend.