Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I am mad! I wrote in here early, and it did not go thru. I tried to recover it. But nothing. Sucks! Now I can't remember what I wrote about early. HUMMMMMMMM........ I went to the YMCA (me and Ana) went swimming. Then went to tanning booth after. I thought I didn't get enought sun from the pool. WRONG! My face is on fire! I feel so much heat on my checks. Not my butt checks either. LOL Those are some big checks. :))))) I need a big sun for those! Big brother was kind of good tonite. They almost got into it on there. I am proud of me today ! I didn't eat much! I ate the rest of my low carb meat loaf for Breakfast/lunch. Yum! I have to make another one of those soon. Tonite I had to cheese burger patties with green beans and some smoke sausage. I cooked bacon too, But forgot about it in the oven. WHOOPS! My house was smokin! LOL. My birds got a clean cage, I got the weeds out of my flower bed in front. I been busy when I came home from my outing. Lord what got into me last nite I cleaning cabnets out. I had so many plastic containers and pans. I just got some new plastics the other day they had them mark down in Krogers. So why keep the old? I am just waiting on someone to pick them up. I put them on freecycle. I also cleaned out my can goods. I gave some one 4 bags of food that I wont cook. Why keep that? I had some fruit coctail in there that expire in 97. Lord! I need to get this house back in shape! I got too much stuff. I need to get my stuff together and have a Yard sale. It is too hot now so I have to wait until it cools down.Well, i am off to go fix my burning up face.

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

Girl you gotta watch that sun, burns don't come out til later that day. Be careful, I can't have me angel getting skin cancer!
xo xo