Thursday, July 14, 2005

What day is it?

Well, that is awful! What is today? I am thinking it is Thursday. I am not sure. I am to lazy to go look on the calender. Not much going on here. I did go to the tanning today. I was starting to lose my tan. I went yesterday and today. Yay for me! I just now got to get me butt to the gym. I will starting next week. Michael has been home too much! He don't work if it rains. Not too much work any way for him. I guess everyone already has new roofs. We need a Hail storm here for he can get busy again. Big Brother comes on tonite! So it is Thursday!!!!!!!!!!YAY I remember. Ana is off to go to Bible school with the neighbors. She goes every year there. On Sunday we go to watch the kids sing and do plays. After church they have free food! Everyone brings in something if they want to. We haven't ate there in a couple of years. The preacher told Michael he only comes for the food every year.It made him mad. So we don't stay no more for the food. Plus it is to busy in there for my butt to be in peoples way. I can't stand it when there is a lot of people in a tiny room. It is not me. I get nervous! I am home alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What shall a girl do? Michael is working,finally! Ana just left. I at least have a hour or so alone. Yay! I will just sit here watch my birds make a mess and a nest. :)

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

LOL on the preacher telling michael that. But, that was mean. Wouldve pissed me off too. Take a chocolate cake made with exlax? shooooooooooo!!
Have a great weekend me lovey