Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I got out today! YAY! Just for a couple of hours. I had to go get my birds a nest. I seen them do the wild thing. So I thought a nest would be the next thing they need. It is Big Brother nite. It is almost time! I can't wait! This will be short. It has rain all day! Rain rain go away come back another day. I know we need it but I don't like to drive in the rain. Too many accidents in this weather. Hey! My plants got water too! YAY! For them! They may make it now a little long in this summer. I don't know why I don't water them? I forget. I still haven't been to the gym or tanning. I almost went to tanning this evening. While I was out. After going to the animal store and Meijers. I was pooped out, and hungry! Not much a girl can eat out fast if I am watching my Carbs. Well, It is time for my show. I got to go watch it. I love Big brother!!!!! Wonder what all the twist is this year?


A Flowered Purse said...

Big brother was good. I don't like the current HOH though. Rachel. Shes too much of a control freak or sometihng. I like kasar and the fireman mark i think. I dunno . LOL on the nest watchin the birdie porno. Did they get in the nest.......... the loveeeeeee nest LOL

Angel said...

One is now getting in the nest. She whistle in there and its so funny. The sound of it.