Friday, August 12, 2005


I felt like I ate and ate today. I was soooooooooo hungry and could not get full. I made me sick. I ate 2 hot dogs with bread before I got on here and lord my stomach is killing me. My allergies are driving me nuts. My nose is sore from all the sneezing. I wish I could see Kayser I think I will feel better. :)))))

My grandma is in hospital and I want to go see her but I hate hospitals!!!!!! I am not that close to her but still she is my grandmother. She got fluid around her lungs and heart. Her heart is failing her. I need to go but I get so freakin nervous. I hate feeling this away. Why can't I be a normal person? If something happens to her before I get my nerves to go see her I will be so depress. I hope to go see her Sunday, I will make Michael go with me. I just don't want to go alone. I am a follower......

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